RSVP "Tickets" | Per Rank/Role Max Use

James Cantrell (FoxSasha)

Allows setting of Roles/Users to have a certain number of reactions within a specified time frame (Ex: Monthly reset)
Weekly Event - Limited spaces - 1 Ticket to sign up
RoleA: 1 RSVP Ticket a month
RoleB: 2 RSVP tickets
RoleC: 3 RSVP tickets

This idea is for VIP style events that we can moderate using this system, but have limited spots to give out. However, this prevents the same 5-10 people taking these spots in the signups each week, by giving them an X amount of tickets they can use each month, based on discord Role. Example: Nitro Booster gets 1, Donor gets 2.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Closed



Hi! Appreciate the suggestion. Though I understand your use case for this feature, we consider this to be a pretty niche feature while being fairly complex and time consuming to implement. There are many other feature we'd like to get to first before considering implement a feature such as this one. As such, going to mark this as closed for now.


James Cantrell (FoxSasha)

The events we host using this system would benefit greatly from this feature. We actively have a limited slot event (Due to technical limitations of the software) that ALOT of people want in. A 70-80 cap event with over 6k members trying to get in all at once, this system will help sort some of that chaos with our VIP slots for it and keep it fair to the community so not the same people can keep getting in by sniping a bot reaction


Altra Awesome

I'm the owner of the community that desperately needs this. Would an investment or down payment help get this achieved?

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If you're interested we can discuss over email at contact@tunks.games. Would be happy to discuss further with you there.



Status changed to: Open