Support for Discord Threads

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With Discords (upcoming) Threads feature, I think a great feature for this bot would be the ability to automatically create a thread when an event is created. Any users who RSVP for an event will gain access to view and/or chat in this thread, and the thread would be able to automatically archive itself after the events end time. This would be useful as it would provide an automatically created centralized place to discuss events, without cluttering the inboxes/notifications of other users who aren't participating in the event.


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Status changed to: Live



Status changed to: In progress


Pete Buckney

This is super important for our group!

We organise real-world meetups, and it's really important for us to be able to discuss things - how is the weather at the location?, who is there already? I'm running late, are people still there? etc...

At the moment we are creating threads manually - but this is too much to ask of our users - they forget, they create them in the wrong place, they forget to rename them from the ugly default name.

What we would like:
- option to create a thread on an event
- server default option so that we can set this centrally, so that users can't forget to use this option
- reminders, event starting etc are sent to the thread, not the channel
- anyone interacting with the event follows the thread


Alex Gomez

Apollo has an implementation of this that I think is amazing. A thread can be auto created upon event creation, and users can be auto-added to the thread upon RSVPing.
This is a pretty important feature for one-shot TTRPG games as it consolidates conversation about the event.

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When an event is created, it would be awesome if Sesh could automatically create a thread on the event embed message.

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Merged with: Automatically create a thread on the event embed message


Renee Gallison

My server would absolutely LOVE this feature. Am down to help out if sesh is open-source

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Do a thread when an event begins





Status changed to: Planned



I think the best way to implement this is to have sesh create the event post, then create the thread from the event post.
Private threads are a server level 2 boost feature, and sometimes links to posts inside threads are a little wonky.

Private thread support with sesh would be cool, but seems like a huge hurdle to cross when you can't create private threads without the level 2 boost. Seems like asking for a lot of additional (sesh) server support when users don't understand why sesh won't work correctly with their non-boosted server.


Along with this idea, I think it would be good to just have sesh be able to participate in threads in general -- I would like a thread for polls, since they can be a bit cluttery, so that we can unarchive the poll thread for when we have an active poll going on. At the moment the bot can't access or send messages in threads properly, so I can't create a poll if the command is located in a thread.

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Came here to suggest this, it'd be great for additional notifications such as reminders and event start, keeping everything in one place!

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