Polls: vote by dropdown instead of A/B/C/D...
I tried many polls bots and sesh is the best, but it would be great to add a minor feature I miss from other bot:
With sesh, I need to associate the option with the letter e.g. the option "Yes" corresponds to "A", so I click "A" to vote. To prevent any confusion, I suggest to display a dropdown menu similar to the one sesh displays when we click to see the Voters of the poll. So instead of voting by clicking A/B/C, people would click the actual option text, like Yes/No.
Yes, this way can also finely handle polls allowing to select multiple options, as seen in the attached image. By the way, it would be great to be able to set specific amount of options to vote instead of just "one" or "any amount" (imagine a poll like "select the best 3 among these 10", more than 3 options shouldn't be allowed in this case).