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Originally suggested by CelticWolf#4022
Presets for events including the regular fields such as duration, channel, description, color, signup options, etcOriginally suggested by @nosut#2077
Consider messaging the event channel with reminders, or DMing all RSVP'd users.
Add a way that allows event creators to add or remove users from an event.Example:Creator knows Joe wants to join but is not at the computer. Creator can do:!adduser #eventID(maybe use the messageID?) @mentionAllow a creator to remove a user from an event.!removeuser #eventID(maybe use the messageID?) @mention
When you delete an event instance in a series of repeating events, sesh should ask you if you want to:A. Delete just that instance (perhaps do this by default)B. Delete all future occurrences tooC. Delete all past and future occurrences too
- Sync directly using Google Calender APIs for faster updating- Two way sync allowing Google Calendar events to be imported to Discord/sesh
Originally suggested by photojoe#5323
Discord is now rolling out Native Events for Discord servers. It would be really cool to see Sesh integrate into this (maybe configurable on a per-event basis).
Would it be possible to have recurring polls set up? Similar to events but with the same responses each time?This will be handy for weekly events where things can change week by week.
Allow to hide the poll percentages % until it ends, for polls where you dont want people to know the % they are voting like in president elections.
You can now view a table of events and polls on the web interface. Search, view attendees, edit, and delete events all from one place. You can even export event or poll data as a spreadsheet (.CSV). Give it a try: https://sesh.fyi/dashboard
Currently, recurring events reset the attendance list entirely each time. Would it be possible to have a feature that allows a person to remain selected by default when the new event is set up, until they change off that setting?
Hi there,It would be great if attendees could get a role depending on what RSVP option they choose. For example: in Minecraft Manhunt you could have people RSVP to be a hunter or speedrunner and give them roles accordingly.
Allows setting of Roles/Users to have a certain number of reactions within a specified time frame (Ex: Monthly reset)Example:Weekly Event - Limited spaces - 1 Ticket to sign upRoleA: 1 RSVP Ticket a monthRoleB: 2 RSVP ticketsRoleC: 3 RSVP ticketsThis idea is for VIP style events that we can moderate using this system, but have limited spots to give out. However, this prevents the same 5-10 people taking these spots in the signups each week, by giving them an X amount of tickets they can use each month, based on discord Role. Example: Nitro Booster gets 1, Donor gets 2.
Perhaps add 1 week, 1 month, and even custom reminder options.Originally suggested by Mercury / nosut
Some times I want to edit a single event in a repeating event, like this one week adjust the time, title, or description. That would be very useful. The 2 way sync from google may address this.
Please allow for the use of UTC for server time as GMT/London changes to UTC+1 in late March.
After the event ends, send a copy of all information, URLS, images, to a channel for archiving should the info be needed again
I use sesh to schedule in-person events for a friend group as well as online events. It would be awesome to have an option for events to allow people to RSVP +1s like significant others to help with headcounts!
Add a limit to the total participants on an event, on top of the existing Signup Option limits.Originally suggested by garthok#4708
Allow users to react/join even if the event has already started and is still on-going.
Would show events on all sesh servers you're in (Originally suggested by nosut#0014)
For setting up and gathering interest for an event but you haven't decided a time or date yet. When a time is decided perhaps a ping could be sent out to inform people.
Polls designed around voting for an event time with more features / better display tailored to that use case.
Allow us to change format to bar graph, pie chart, line graph or other.
When using the dashboard add at the bottom a live preview of what the event/poll would look like when posted.
There's a big gap on discord with no good event scheduler available at all - it would be great to extend sesh to meet this need.The event scheduler would effectively be a group of multiple events, with rsvp options as per sesh events.I've attached a mockup (to show how it should _work_, rather than how it should _look_) and showing that it can be achieved with things you already have working.When setting up a scheduler, I want to give multiple possible event start times, and set a single set of rsvp options that apply to all of them (we would choose yes/maybe/no).When responding to a scheduler, I want to see the possible event start times, to be able to respond with the rsvp options, and to be able to see who has already responded with each option.I think this is much needed and doesn't exist - if you made it a premium feature, I think you'd get premium subscriptions just for this.
The ability to preplan polls for future dates, similar to events, but they stay hidden from the server (still visible/editable on the dashboard).
Add more tokens similar to $EventName, such as $StartTimeAdd option to delete thread on event endSupport private threads
Allow a user to set their default reminder, such as "I want to by default be reminded an hour before events."When signing up for an event that allows reminders, Sesh will DM the user (if they set a default) with a message saying "Per your default settings, you will be reminded 1 hour before this event starts. Would you like to receive a reminder at a different time for this event?" - Reactions for Yes and Remove Reminder. If the user doesn't want to change the reminder for the event, no interaction is needed.
So I run a New World(mmorpg) guild where I'm trying to coordinate with another guild. It would be nice to "mirror" events between the 2 discord servers. It will pretty much allow server X and server Y to have the same sign up page. The Raid-Helper bot has this feature already where it pulls the message ID and mirrors it on both servers. Thank you!
Originally suggested by t.mc.h#2478
Allow the use of custom emojis for the reactions of polls.
A simple timestamp command to translate into unix/discord format would be great, like the website offers.
It would be super helpful when notifications are sent to an announcement channel that it could be set to automatically publish out to the servers following that channel.
This may be too fancy of a feature, but I'd love to see an image generated of a monthly calendar, with event dates highlighted, and have that image updated beneath a live list every time an event is added to that month.The visual language of seeing a calendar in Discord the way we're used to seeing them in apps would help a lot of folks plan ahead - specifically folks who don't want to integrate our entire calendar into their personal calendar, or who don't want to go through the several steps necessary to generate a calendar of ONLY events they RSVP to.
Please add the mention options to the settings to be used as the base pre-set, as this would be much easier to navigate and set up
Currently "Clean Event Messages" deletes both the event start message AND the original event embed. I would like an option to only delete the event start messages.
Every user at least has a Discord account. Pls connect your Upvoty instance with Discord's OAuthhttps://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2
Just like the Time and Duration the bot should have a location field for working with facebook ect. also just like Google calander you should be able to link it to facebook and auto post
You can now add a filter to `!list` to only show events from a certain channel. For example, `!list #blue-team` will only show events in `#blue-team`. Multiple channels and other filters can be used too: `!list 3 days #design #engineering`. It also works with live lists! You can do the same with `!link` to get a filtered calendar feed, too.------Original post:Allow users to create a list for a single event channel or category.Example:!list #channel
As a server adminI want the ability to stop my users from getting DMs from seshSo that my less technically savvy users dont have to turn off reminder DMs
Hi, Our group runs weekly TTRPGS for around 60 people, currently most weeks we run D&D with the occasional other system table running, though one week in the month we set aside for Alternate Systems to help our group try new things.We would like to set up repeating events for all of these regular sign-ups, from what we can see, we can easily use the Monthly option for the Alternate Systems Night, and the Weekly option mostly works for the regular sessions, but we currently need to delete the occurrence for our regular session that is created during the week of alternate systems.Is it possible to arrange some settings so that we can set up an "Exlcusion" calendar for repeating events. This may also be useful for times like Holidays etc
Recently released feature to display commands after typing / and send them directly to a chosen bot, removing the need to change prefixes when using bots with the same command.https://blog.discord.com/slash-commands-are-here-8db0a385d9e6
Add additional options to the role restrictions functions.1. Include blacklist instead of just a whitelist(some times it's more about who to reject and not who to let in)2. Add an "and" condition instead of just "or". Require multiple roles to be able to join.
For areas that use Daylight Savings or Summer Time, give a warning when the parsed time zone is not currently being observed. For instance, currently the Central US is CDT due to daylight savings, not CST, and entries where the user specifies CST are off by an hour.
For example: repeat an event every 25 hours and 15 minutes.Or repeat every 1515 minutes (25h15min)
Having a special section in the Event creation page that allows the event creator to label each event according to popular games such as [WoW] for World of Warcraft and [FFXIV] for Final Fantasy XIV So that when people set up events in large communities they can easily see which they are signing up for.
Up until now, sesh has used a single global calendar for your whole server. You can now turn on the "Use Separate Channel Calendars" setting to change this. This is handy if you have multiple groups on your server or want to restrict who can see certain events. See the !settings web page for details.-----------Original post:The ability to create a second calendar on the same Discord server
Add an event number field, or special character in title that will pull an event number when making the info/RSVP embed. Include a toggle in the creation/editing panels for Sesh to automatically increment the number with each event, and the ability to manually edit the number in the event editing page.
Originally suggested by @Too lazy to change username#6969Additionally, consider supporting hiding poll results until poll is ended (originally suggested by @iNgeon)
Would it be possible to have a setting to publish the next 3 or 4 events in a repeating schedule as event posts, for users to react to in advance? Perhaps a simple number, or a time limit (current month, next 4 weeks?). This could tie in with the ability to modify future events to edit or cancel specific repeats too.
While there is some form of syncing to Native Discord events it is shockingly barren feature wise.In comparison to ATOMcal and ChronicleBot it is kind of ugly and tells you look at post elsewhere in the Discord server rather than the native event.I wish the native event displayed the information put into the event just as AtomCal and ChronicleBot do alongside posting the event. It seems a bit confusing to have native events at all if they don't post correctly at all and maintain their own formatting and miss the point of Discord providing the feature at all.What if the message gets deleted by another mod or there is updated information? They will have to look in the server native events and take information from there to jump back to another rather than looking in the corner being mirrored like it should.A mirror reflects the events information a mirror is not an information board that leads you elsewhere. I am confused as to why it would be called a mirror if it only mirrors the time, but not the location (unless told specifically per event which misses the point for ease of use for someone who wants to check as fast as possible), or the information and picture.
As the title says. I pin all my events to the channel when I create them. Would be cool for sesh to pin them for me, and unpin them when the event finishes, so that only upcoming events are pinned for others to find and change their RSVPs on.
Currently, if we select on_create_mentions @everyone, then everyone gets a notification that just says:"sesh @everyone"They can then click through to the event, but it's a poor experience.The notification should include a message including the event title.So for example, if the event title is "My awesome event", then the notification should look like this:"sesh New event - My awesome event @everyone"
In most cases, my members creating an event want to be added to it automatically. If they forget, their own event fills up without them. At least allow this as configurable default behavior in channel override settings?
!remind "hello" in 5 hoursPMs you a reminder. Others can opt in too.
Have the option to set a minimum on an RSVP option. This will indicate to users that if a minimum threshold isn't met, then the event won't happen.
Originally suggested by Mevin#1344
For Events and Polls, it would be great to be able to "save as draft" on something we're working on but aren't ready to publish yet.
Server/channel override setting for Role Restrictions
Have the bot send a notification to set channel when an event gets for example 5 people that have said "yes" to an event, so we can move forward and book things etc.
Hi, It would be good if we could use excel etc, to upload a batch of events. For me I use Sesh as a race calendar so being able to upload a whole season in one go instead of having to setup 6/8/10 events one by one would speed things up a lot!Cheers!
We can create and save a custom reaction emoji set and save it but it only persists for the user who created the set. For servers with multiple people who can create events and who have a more robust reaction set than the basic ones offered, it would greatly reduce the need for recreating the reaction set as well as limit inconsistencies and errors.
Improve manual timezone input for create: Handle words like "pacific", autoconvert pst/pdt to the whichever one is currently activeImprove confusing time parsing syntax around "at", "on", "in", "for" : Not putting the entire "time" portion of the text after an "at", "on", "in", or "for" can cause the time parser to get a bit confused. This is a bit trickier since it's not trivial to separate out the event title and time in some of these cases, but we can do better.
So you can physically see a copy of the calendar via image or link so everyone can see things that are planned far in advanced. Maybe (/create calendar month) and it create a copy of the calendar so everyone can view the monthly schedule.Something like the image.
Working on bugfixes, tweaks, and additional features for the newly launched direct Google Calendar integration
It would be great if there were an option to include the event image and details in the event announcements. For event channels that have large lists of events, this may help people decide if they are interested enough to check out the original event invite.
Requesting that the list feature allow admin to set color codes for events that have open slots, and active waitlists. With more than 25 events on our server it is difficult for some users to find events with open slots.
Make it so that we can set a server-wide default for direct and ephemeral confirmation messages. It would be a great convenience to be able to have the choice of making it opt-in or opt-out.
It would be nice if we could include an image in the title spot next to the title, rather than just having the large image displayed in the bottom.
The most recent update added- Do not add Attendee Role to RSVPer if they are waitlistedThere are use cases where this could be useful (ie, someone doesn't attend and you want to ping all attendees/waitlist at once).This is absolutely a niche case so makes sense for the default behaviour to be as is but a admin-side UI option would be really nice :)
- Option to use user timezone when creating events (instead of server timezone)- Reminder settings (defaults, etc)
Create a temporary (voice or text) channel in the server with attendees added as members of the channel. This channel gets deleted from the server a set time after the event is over.
Originally suggested by Tomoegabi#0101
I would like to have some more fields for an event like:- place of the event (an IRL address, like New York, Central park) --> Maybe integrated into Google Maps? Like click on an url goes to the map?- urls: Some external urls of an event (more than one) like the image, but this is an url for the event- Synch with GCalI know, that this can be put into the description, but it would be great if we could have some dedicated fields for that.
Limit the amount of times a user can sign up to an event per day/week/month
I would like the ability to customize what is said when an event starts. Instead of the "Event name is now starting". Alternatively, to have the ability for an announcement to be made 1 hour to event start time. So that There is a notice even if no one is roled for the event that everyone can see.
A simple feature like "WhenIsGood" allowing members to select availability slots over a range of dates. Would facilitate event planning.
It would be nice if sesh would be able to remind to those with maybe option to change it to yes or no 30 minutes before the events starts. It would be so helpful to not be needed to ask each one if they're in or out. Best,Victor
Palette of presets you can save to
I don't get why poll templates aren't a thing when event templates are?
**Define what roles are pingable in server settings and/or channel overrides.** (Ignore non-admin event creator discord permissions)There are cases where I want Sesh to be able to mention all roles, but not allow normal members to mention these roles.**Explanation****Already possible with current setup:** 1. Admin can use sesh to mention all roles no matter what.2. Sesh can be given permission to ping all roles.3. Using discord permissions, non-admin members can only ping certain roles (which extends to Sesh).**New behavior** Sesh __*ignores*__ mentions permissions on individual roles and from individual non-admin users.Server or channel override settings will specify that Non-admin members are only able to ping roles A, B, and C from the sesh dashboard.**Longer Explanation** In my server, there are several roles with differing pinging permissions.Members don't have the ability to ping _all_ roles, but they _do_ have the ability to ping roles that Sesh should not ping.Let's say that a member has discord permissions to ping roles A, B, C, and D. (Sesh has the permission to ping all roles.)But I want Sesh to only allow members to ping role B for events, despite what the discord permissions say.Alternatively: Let us say that a member only has the discord permission to ping role A. But the server's default event ping list role is role B.I would still like Sesh to let that member ping role B for events.
The bot already offers a feature which displays list of event when prompted. Might as well do it with the reminders.
Unsure why there is a limit of 15 max options for any given poll, but there are somethings that I could definitely use more than 15 slots for.
I understand the likely reason why you haven't done this (so that people who vote for something aren't suddenly voting for something different after an edit is made). But, why not just clear the votes for that particular option then? Thanks for the consideration!
Would love for the Description to be a checkbox to allow this to be mandatory for events. (This is a request for an optional checkbox)
Sometimes in a long list of RSVPs with a long waitlist, the word “Waitlisted” is hard to spot especially as some users with * in their names accidentally make italicized names anyway throughout. Maybe making the word more obvious with capitals or bold or something would help a lot with confusion and seeing it!
Have usernames show with poll option selected, not just percentages. Handy to then allocate members to groups.
Similar to the way sesh displays names under each response, it would be helpful for us to see a list of names that have not yet responded. This would make it easier for us to easily identify and reach out to those individuals to get their response. (I imagine this option may not be useful to servers with huge amounts of people, but great for our sports team management servers).
Add an option to disable the waitlist on an event.Example:I have an event with 2 teams restricted to 6 people per reaction.Team 1 is full but team 2 is empty. However Team 1 has several people waitlisted instead of picking team 2.
See live information about the number of available slots for responses to events on the event list, ie see Attendees (1/5) on the live list for an event which has an "Attendees" rsvp option with a limit of 5 and 1 person currently signed up. This would allow users to find events with available capacity by looking at the live event list, rather than having to click on each individual event to check if it is full.
What it says on the tin. I've typed "@sesh event" and just stared at my screen enough times to think this is worth it
Please allow the option to edit the apperance of the mirrored Discord events. Or even to just show the event description instead of rsvps in the discord event. Having the discord events show only a link to the sign up event is problematic when that sign up is in a locked or private channel. The Discord event is visible to the entire server and it would be much better if it showed the event description instead of the rsvps. Thanks!
I wish that there was a for Sesh to remind users that a poll is still going and is about to close before a certain amount of time.
is it possible to create an event with multiple time options and places? like not a yes or no for attendance, but multiple options depending on where event is available in different time slots? and everyone can just click on the one they would join? and not having multiple event posts for that? For example: Rise of kingdoms - ark of osiris event - availabe in different alliances, different timeslots within a weekend - and insteas of creating event per alliance, just create 1 event
There is a discrepancy between the times for an event vs how its shown in a live list. This is really confusing, especially in servers with users of many different timezones. It would be best to keep consistency if the setting to use Unix Timestamp is used, even if the format or layout isn't ideal. It makes the information users get from Sesh feel unreliable or require a double-triple-quadruple check, which makes it harder for people to engage with the events and sesh.
For an event schedule, having a way to indicate for all attendees who the host are (1-3 discord users)
Automatically create a list of all the users with a specific role that have NOT reacted to an event yet, to easily ping them to remind them to sign up or off.
Some type of passthrough or escaping to clean up google's added HTML for sesh posts
Suggested by @Radgryd#3062
Give us the power to decide how events are displayed, by allowing us to show/hide and reorder each element, i.e: [06:00pm] [link] [in 2 days] [Limited to]. The link should be the only element that can't be hidden.
start event when it reaches the limit of attendees
Due to the limitations of mobile notifications, which does not allow embeds. It would be nice to be able to add text before the embed happens so the mobile notifications can be more customized. Right now they just show the bot name and what roles are tagged. The main concern my users have is that with multiple events, they cannot identify at a glance what the event is without having to open discord and go into the event room to read it.An Example on how this would rectify this could be:Bot name@ role (custom message)((Embed message))
$EventDesc or something similar which contains the original event post's description would be extremely helpful when making custom notification posts.It'd be better/easier to repeat the event details AND use $EventLink instead of ONLY being able to link to the original post.
I'd like an option to have "hide attendees" turned on by default at event creation. Messages can get long in servers with active event participants otherwise, which makes scrolling through event announcement channels somewhat inconvenient.
The event creation form on mobile version has a annoying and unnecessary scroll what should be removed.
I love the integration with Discord's Event Tab, and it's been a big reason on why I use this bot! But my events usually require more explanation and details, which I wish could be seen at a glance - rather than having to click the link. If it's because a description is too long, just put the link to it as the first line. Then you'll have at least some room for a quick description, which would be so much more valuable!Often I don't really need others to see how many people have signed up, but if IT is important to display, I much rather have that number moved to the location section, next to the sign up link - or on a line below incase you're worried about overflow. Or better yet, have it optionally displayed!I tried to make what I think would be my dream look. But thank you in advance!
create an automatic password for the event, a short password in order to be able to join a private server
Allow poll creator to add server nick names to polls as not everyone will do them but can get info and then add them to the poll. Also have nicknames show under each option as with event rsvps, or if hidden, visible to just the poll creator or certain roles.
Hi, it would be cool to have an Overview of the Ractions at the Calendar. So if someone changes his reaction that there is a list or anything else that we can see that Person has made the reaction at 21.6.21 12:00 CET (for example)
Event postings position in order of event time. If events are planned over three months' time and an new event is added for month two, the RSVP posting will be moved up by all of the other month two events. It would be nice to have the RSVPs drop off over time (ie one week old the RSVP is removed from the server)
I'd like to be able to have event creation messages be made/posted in one channel, and the threads for those events made in another channel (a post in a forum channel)
Some people think that "ongoing" means recurring or always happening, especially when there is an all-day event like a convention happening.
In server's where Sesh is configured to post all events to a given channel, if an event is created in another channel, sesh should delete the create message as usual, AND it should send a new message along the lines of "New event TITLE created. RSVP in #CHANNEL. LINK_TO_RSVP"
Discord now allows time markdown based on unix timestamps that shows up in the client's own timezone & supports relative times (e.g. "in 5 hours"). Example notation: It would be great if sesh utilizes this so having to convert timezones may become a thing of the past!
Mobile users currently cannot click on or copy the .ics file url returned by sesh !link command. Make this an actual embedded link so mobile users don’t have to run to a computer to link calendars.
The ability to set the attendee limit while using the create command, so that events can be quickly generated with the necessary limit. Example to create an event tilted "Halo Tonight" the following day at 3:00 PM with a limit of 6 attendees: !create Halo Tonight on tomorrow at 3:00 PM limit 6
Instead of just showing "Duration: 2 hours" Display the end time of the event6pm-8pm- ☭ Aura ☭#5773
It would be good to have the ability to edit events after they go live. For example, if you use GMeets or Zoom links in the description and they change, currently there's no way to change the description post event going live (e.g. we highly rely on the calendar function).Originally discussed in: https://discord.com/channels/616750784087982109/1072963936443453551/1073261902685294612
It would be nice to be able to set overrides based on category that applies to every channel within that category unless a channel specific override is made. This would allow events in the "Campaign" category to use Campaign VC as the standard native event location, and events in "Events" to use the Event VC. That way if a new channel is created in either it uses that override automatically instead of needing to be set up.
Originally suggested by @Chaot3ch
add the url in the google calendar entry to easily access to the discord event.
Just like the Event listing, a possibility to pinn an event or a poll to the bottom of the chat. So people can write messages and the important poll does not get lost.
Add a functionality to manually sort poll options without needing to retype them out or delete them.
Would it be possible to include the event date / time in the title automatically? (we have a lot of repeating events with each a forum post manually created so far, so members can search through past events/posts it would be amazing to have the data/time stamp with the post in the title)
Currently the way of seeing who has responded to a poll option is a bit clunky, having to go into settings and clicking on each date individually. It would be great as with regular reactions it popped up with users for an option or something similar
The waitlist would have people in order of which they joined the waitlist. If a space becomes available a few actions should happen;- A dm to the person who left the 'attending' list to confirm that their action is to remove them (only runs if there is a waitlist)- If user does leave event, the first waitlist user is dm'ed informing them of the change and that they have X time (configurable) to take the space. If they do not take the space, they are moved to a "no response" category and the next user is dm'ed asking if they want the space. - Sesh would repeat this until the waitlist is finished or if a user takes the newly available space.- Once a change takes place of users, a ping is sent (optional) to a usergroup or user to inform them of the changes (X user confirmed no attendance, users A, B did not respond to attend, user C took the space).
I'd like to be able to write my own tool(s) for generating event(s) on my own server, and present those event(s) to server members for RSVP via Sesh. For instance consider a program that creates a varying weekly event for the weekly highlighted raid in Destiny, or some other externally defined calendar.
It would be nice for Sesh to notice new Discord events and create Sesh calendar events / threads for them.
"Display End Time" option for Ongoing Events in Pinned Live Lists as the event has already started and it's more helpful to know the time remaining.
Europe uses Monday as first day of the week, it would be neat if we could adjust that so the calendar view becomes easy to read instead of always remembering to adjust for different week start day
The ability to reserve specific sign up options for specific people/roles.
I'd like to be able to create a reminder that goes to a particular channel on some repeating basis, with no signup options and no RSVP.
Allow event creators to add a one-time RSVP to an event using a toggle, this same toggle should be used to remove the option should the event creator decide that the event is no longer a one-time event.
I don't know why google calendar locations are not synced. It would be helpful for people to know where to go as well as import directly from Discord.
Allow the creation of events in voice based text channels.
I would like to have a sort of /list function in DMs with Sesh so that I can see a list of all the reminders I wanted notifications for (clicked on the bell button)
As a user, I'd like to change the order of reactions that are displayed for an event I've created. This assists with displaying similar reactions close together in case I need to add an additional reaction to an existing event.For example, "Attendees", "Maybe", "No" reactions are created (in that order) for an event. I decide to add a "I'll be late" reaction. I would like the order of reactions to be "Attendees", "I'll be late", "Maybe", "No". Instead "I'll be late" is placed after "No" with no option to re-order.I also do not want to delete this event simply to change the order of reactions.
ctrl b for bold will add a: "** **"ctrl u for underline will add a: "__ __"etc.
this would be very useful for scheduling 1:1 appointments, for example when there are a couple of possible times to choosem from. once person 1 has chosen (voted on) their best time, the other people should no longer be able to schedule (vote on) the same option, as it's already "busy".
1) Allow creators to "label" events with "tags" like "education guild", "design guild", "game", "fun stuff".2) Allow us to have a Calendar Link just to subscribe to one type of event under one tag.Use case: Check out this crazy server here. https://sesh.fyi/dashboard/834499078434979890/eventsAt the moment the events are hard to slice and dice, and hard to RSVP as well. Adding tags, would allow more ability to filter events and RSVP.
This will make it easier for people to use the reminders for each of the event when they can see the next event automatically at the bottom!
Just a simple request - how about adding the sesh help command to https://sesh.fyi/manual/
Add support for facebook, gmail, twitter and maybe even whatsapp to invite users through these platforms.For more info contact me at admin @ https://aajka.online/
I tried many polls bots and sesh is the best, but it would be great to add a minor feature I miss from other bot:With sesh, I need to associate the option with the letter e.g. the option "Yes" corresponds to "A", so I click "A" to vote. To prevent any confusion, I suggest to display a dropdown menu similar to the one sesh displays when we click to see the Voters of the poll. So instead of voting by clicking A/B/C, people would click the actual option text, like Yes/No.Yes, this way can also finely handle polls allowing to select multiple options, as seen in the attached image. By the way, it would be great to be able to set specific amount of options to vote instead of just "one" or "any amount" (imagine a poll like "select the best 3 among these 10", more than 3 options shouldn't be allowed in this case).
I want to include a message that says things like "check the pins for event rules", instructions on creating events, etc.
This feature would notify a specific user/role if no one has RSVP'd at all to an event, or to a specific RSVP option.The goal is to help ensure that certain events have participants by reminding people/admins that they need to RSVP.
It would be fun if each member had a function to check the number of participation and participation rate of the event. There's also a period setting function, so it would be better if you could check the value of the period.
It would be helpful if you could add more flexibility with recurring events such as being able to set a recurrence for every first, third, fourth, and fifth (if it exists in said month) Thursday of the month.
If an event creator adds a user manually via the dashboard, it would be cool if there was a way for the added user to confirm their attendance. This way members could be pre-slotted into roles
Create a log of who edits or cancels an event and allow it to output to either a channel or directly in the server audit log
It would be awesome to filter user generated content, Some bigger servers might want to keep some activity from showing. I would love a filter system.1. Set a limit of how long your event needs to be posted before the date. 7 days, 15 days, 30 days (This comes in handy for busy servers and filter out last minute events with lazy creations)2. Allow for the filtering to be conducted by a mod role, This will allow for faster filtering.3. This can also protect some syncing features. allowing (Users without "said role" won't have events sync'd on calendar) Keeping things clean and users will need to utilize discord alone to see none-official events.I am sure this would open up to many possibilities. Please consider this feature devs and community of Sesh.Much Obliged,CrackMasterK / Cimmarian
Hi! I have a question with the creation of events. Say an event runs from the 20th to the 23rd. Is there a way to show the end date in the !list view?I only see the start date and time, but it would be immensely helpful to see end dates/deadlines. Thanks!
As with typical events, we have more people interested than we can accommodate. But we don’t want people to sign-up just as the registration opens (first come first serve) because that’s unfair to folks who are busy at that time. So it’s better to have a lottery where after close of registration, people are chosen randomly and others placed in the waitlist. We currently do that manually (which is laborious). Built-in automation would be more than awesome!
In my server server boosters and other supporters get a second vote.Is there a way we can have sesh post into another channel in addition to the one listed on the poll?
Create an event but have it sent to two (or more) channels. This is useful for people who have separate groups that do separate events but sometimes have overlapping "everyone" events so they can RSVP and see them.
I wish that there was a way to subscribe to the calendar from the events calendar on the web interface rather than the slash commands. Most on my server don't seem to understand slash commands and while I could post the link manually I would have to pin it and they may not know how to subscribe to the .ics properly.
We have a trailing server for RDO, now we already restrict the events for people who verify on the server. We added a photographer role, people need to apply for this so it would be nice to be able to restrict this RSVP as well!
My server members make very liberal use of /poll, so I need a way to end those polls. Right now I'm using the dashboard to find them and clear them manually. It would be nice if I could end the poll (not delete) from the dashboard, or maybe set a default end time for the poll in the settings.
I'm personally not a huge supporter of gmail (says the guy using gmail), and I assume I'm in the minority, but it would be awesome to have iCloud Calendar Integration (even if it had to be a paid offering).
Suggested by @Eloel
Add history of attendee events, for example when someone joined or left the event.
Makte it possible to see how many people have or have not reacted to an event when you assign a specific role to an event20 out of 40 @admins have voted already
Now that a calendar is present on the web interface it should be able to list out events as it does for server administrators to look at similarly to google's and Microsoft's schedule view of events as an agenda of what is to come to find events faster.
Sends a message each time a user votes, or creates a poll. It can be used to make statistics.
REQUEST: A CSV export feature on the new Settings/Logs section that can provide up to your server's entire history (filterable by Type or Action as currently provided in the UI, and filterable by date range to help limit the size and impact of the export/download).The CSV should have all of the following fields visible in the expandable Log details (date, user_id, channel_id, title, event_id, option_name, initiator_id, option_emoji, option_is_custom), as well as the Action type as presented in the Logs filter (EventAddRSVP, EventRemoveRSVP, etc) and any other unexposed details that may be relevant.PURPOSE: To provide the data needed to generate a history of user attendance by RSVP role, poll results, and so forth over time. For my own purposes, I intend to create a reporting system to track the number of times a player has attended events in a given type of role, and give awards. This would provide the base data I need with minimal overhead.Other previous requests that might be helped by this are:https://roadmap.sesh.fyi/b/feature-requests/scheduling-polling-csv-export-to-use-include-non-utc-timezone/https://roadmap.sesh.fyi/b/feature-requests/event-listing-attendance-report-download-enhancements/
Allow people to transfer event host role to someone else/change event hosts in case the original event creator backs out of planning
Please add month/week/day duration drop downs. Having to convert weeks to hours is incredibly inconvenient. I really never needed to know that there were 336 hours in two weeks.
It would be very helpful to include the local user's timezone in the CSV polling export. No pref if UTC is left, but it makes the file easier to use IMO
It would be great if we could just reopen completed polls. To be able continue the poll.And also it would be great that we could duplicate one completed poll to start a new one with the same (or editable) content.
Add polls to events, or the ability to link polls to events/events to polls.
Right now it's weird that there's no separate Location section on the Create Event Web Interface Form. It would be great to give users an option between adding an address with Google Maps integration for in-person events as well as a weblink option with invitation code access for online events
Allow non-admins multiple choices for event channels, not just limited to one when the "Only Admins can Override" setting is on. This is useful because in some cases, servers may have multiple event channels to sort events, and don't want to give users who have permission to create events the ability to post the events in general chat, or irrelevant channels. The current configuration limits the user to only allowing 1 event channel, or requiring Admin perms, or allowing them all channels (they may chat in, even general chat).
same as Event templates, would be nice to save polls instead of creating them from scratch each time
When I have a time poll, I would like to see the results in chronological order instead of the top vote winners first.
Perhaps a bit confusing from the title, but clarification of my thought follows...Instead of just voting for a poll option, let the creator set a range (ex: 1 - 5, 1 - 100, 0 - 3, etc.), so that individuals can rank poll options. This can be very useful for determining interests via a poll - something I am trying to do at the time of this writing.Thanks for your consideration!
Ability to show who voted under each option on polls like in RSVPs.
The bot auto-setting a designated VC to a specified Channel Topic at the designated meeting time would be amazing. For example, I have a work server that every monday has a Dept A meeting from 2-3pm, Dept B from 3-4, and Dept C from 4-5. Having the Meeting VC topic update, in live, at each changeover, would be amazing
So hosting events with the bot is cool n and having the feature to anonymise votes is perfect. But in events where i want to keep all votes fair and not show to anybody BUT stop people from voting for themselves you need to be able to see it in the server side results page. or at least a feature for admins only to be able to see
I really miss this option for me.When organizing events, I could use extra information from those who have chosen the "maybe" option.I mean that during an announced even, after pressing "maybe" a small window would pop up where a short text message would be sent to a predefined Discord channel on the server.Someone does not indicate what the participation depends on, if a window would pop up where we could ask to give a short info to us this would happen, it would not be forgotten.This way all participants can get the information they need and better plan the start time of an event.I hope this will be available in the near future!Thank you!
When we have a limit on an event the excess people that sign up get put on a "waitlist" may we please have the text "waitlisted" bolded because it's the title of a new list.
Currently, sesh has an option for scheduling monthly events on the last week of the month. However, this can vary--sometimes that is the 4th week, and other times the 5th. If I want to make an event that recurs on 5th Wednesdays of the month, I have to create a separate instance for each 5th Wednesday of the year, and remember to create them individually for subsequent years. This is not ideal. 5th week of the month events generally work out to be quarterly. My community likes to use 5th week for events that don't need to be monthly but should still occur more than annually. Adding this option to monthly recurring events (without removing the existing last week functionality, so those who make use of this can keep doing so) would be much appreciated.
Send users who have rsvped for an event a notification or dm whenever that event is deleted or canceled.
Since the total number of users who have selected a particular option in a poll in now displayed on the buttons, it's unnecessary to also have it in brackets on the embed next to the percentage. It might clean up the look to remove it from the embed.
Can a notification be made when someone joins an event. Showing the event title and the members name. I would like to see this in a separate channel as I have several calendar events. This is for an LFG and Streamer setup.
Allow polls to auto-detect and translate timezones (so ppl can vote on a time/date and see their native TZ)
- General parsing improvements
Using Sesh, create a poll, when the defined number of people respond to an option create a calendar event and add a predefined list of invite list.
I would like to use the option to enable and disable an event or poll instead of delete and create new ones.
I'd like to show a list of attendees up to a certain number that would make the list too long and ugly, and the bot will automatically hide the attendees after the number has been reached. For example, an event which can have unlimited attendees but I can set the number "20" to hide the attendee list when the 21st person signs up.
Cooldown for the command /poll
JayRock35Be able to add people that don't have a discord account to events.
Just something simple for a cell phone app for creating events. This would open up some doors later, e.g. for having a calendar widget for android, which would be an alternative for the google calendar sync issues.
(recreating accidentally deleted post)
I think it'd be nice to have a channel option for polls because if there isn't that feature, everyone can see that I did the command and it's doesn't look very clean so I can do it in a channel that no one can see apart from me so it doesn't look quite so messy.
Choose a default color for polls
Currently Sesh allows download of the RSVP lists. It would be useful to do the inverse, upload a list of names. The reason is because we need to reorder the list of users (which determines who gets on the waitlist and their order) as a result of giving some users priority and randomizing others. We do this in a spreadsheet. Currently, we must re-enter the names manually, which is time consuming because we host a lot of events and there are a lot of people who sign-up for each event. The auto-completion of names helps a little bit. But an ability to upload names (in order) would help greatly.
Plenty of space between the event item and user sign up, makes it hard to tell what they signed up for. Making the space smaller and a line below that last user sign up would help separate the different selection items and names. Thank for looking at this possible change.
When an event is created in a channel, have an option that allows SESH to automatically "pin" the event rsvp so that it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of messages.
A common use case on my server is to schedule events twice a month, e.g., 1st and 3rd Mondays or 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Currently we have to create two separate monthly events to accomplish this, each with the exact same info except the week it is scheduled. I would love to be able to create only one recurring calendar event for events that are twice, or even 3 times a month.
Can we get a way if you have the allotted perms to restrict certains roles that do have access from deleting or editing polls/events? For example, We have all staff able to delete polls/events incase something is posted not tos appropriate. And everyone can create polls.Some polls we dont want people to be able to just yeet, as it just happened. A Staff Application poll, we would want to be able to select only editable/deleteable by x role. But not change overrall sesh perms
I’ve setup default RSVP Options, but when I select the tick-box for RSVP Options when creating an event, it doesn’t load the default options. Please let me change the default options! And/or please let me delete/modify the currently undeleteable/unmodifiable default options! (People like to change the emoji, but then they invariably screw up the “Allow Reminders” and “Is Attendee” options. As is, the drop-down menu options are cumbersome and confusing! I don’t want people selecting any of the permanent defaults, but I also can’t get rid of them!)Discord: RyabRoscoe#9810
A lot of the events we run happen at the same time of day and duration. Would be helpful if we could create a template in which all we have to do is quickly populate the date, or at least start from the current date. Currently, if using a much older template you have to scroll through month by month by month to be able to select the actual date
Add the ability to filter events coming from google calendar inbound sync via words or color.Then, allow us to change certain settings, such as channel it gets sent to, and/or who it pings, based on those filters.
I would be nice to have the ability to manually assign a role as an attendees to an event upon creation.
Allow the option to make roles assigned from events permanent.
My Discord server specifically schedules many events on 1st/3rd or 2nd/4th (day of week) of the month. For example: 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month.Currently I have to create these as two separate recurring events, one on 2nd Thursdays and another on 4th Thursdays. It would be nice to simplify the process by creating one recurring event that repeats on 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month.- DSS
It would be great to have the ability to assign event roles before the event starts, but not at the time of RSVP. This feature would be especially useful for time-sensitive events where attendees shouldn't have access to certain roles until just before the event begins.
I would like to see an option in the settings that allows you to choose if you want the Event Listings to display times in the servers set time zone or display times in each users own time zone.
Would be great if we were able to rearrange the poll options for both the generic and (especially) the time polls.I find myself frequently adding an option that I wish I could move above to organize the list of options instead of deleting and re-adding them.
As title says a /whos not here
Trigger the use of a predefined signup option, such as "Preset: Default" to utilize the default preset in a text command when creating a sesh event. Example: !create [Title] [Day] [Time] [Preset] where [Preset] is the name of a saved Preset. Written Example: !create New Event on tomorrow at 4:30 PM using MMO.
Add the ability for users to create event using the Unix timestamp directly, instead of attempting to use the date parser.
Allow users to create events that are before the current time.
I really just want the GCal to Discord sync without the spamming of the channels at this time. Really wish this was optional.
I'm currently able to paste a link such as https://i.imgur.com/NxXNXXN.gif and sesh will embed it correctly as a looping gif for the event. It would however be even better if sesh supported links with "gifv" or "mp4" extensions to save bandwidth. I've tried pasting these types of links in Discord and they are handled perfectly fine natively, I think it's just a matter of sesh whitelisting them. Thanks for all your hard work!
See https://i.imgur.com/tdlugpu.png
The /ai command should use the default channel for events instead of creating the event on the same channel the command was sent. Unless specified by the prompt.
An option to just base the countdown on days/hours/minutes until event rather than base it on a timezone. It'll make it easier and less confusing instead of having to have people click on "convert" while the countdown is wrong for them. This way you can list all the timezones, but there would be a single countdown and it would be universal for all and wouldn't have to deal with timezones for the countdown.
Would like a filter by discord role option for Poll result data. Could either select which roles it will show at end during poll setup or show all voters roles in a dropdown on the data page to view one at a time. For context I am talking about a discord server where people are already assigned MMO style roles (tank/dps/support etc). For example you could create a poll for boss raid times and after it ends, open the poll data page on the web and filter by 'Tank' role to see which times anyone with the 'Tank' role voted so you know which times you will have enough tanks to schedule boss raids.
We can see who didn't vote
Add an option to export a string for use in discord. Basically from the events list, add a button/link that will popup the matching !create string and copy it to the clipboard so it can be pasted into discord.Idea being that once an event is created once, i can copy the create string and paste it into an admin channel so other admins can update minor details and paste it in to recreate the event if required.Cheers, keep up the awesome work!
Allow overriding server settings on a per channel basis.
I have a gaming Discord server that I schedule various events, current output of timezone is a bit tricky for some people, would be great to add a timezone and be able to set a custom name, for example GMT+8 and name it Asia or GMT+0 and name it Europe
Allow to integrate into websites like google sites or anyother, like in the image.
The March update changed the poll buttons from numeric to Alphabetic, but the issue of confusion with vote counts still exists for reaction based polls.
Title is self explanatory, I think.
The events themselves use discord timestamps, even the calendar on the dashboard is localised... but the /list command still shows based on a specified timezone. Even with the discord 'in x days', and the button to convert to local option, this is confusing and un-user-friendly.The /list command should at least have an option to *just* show local times.
When mentioning people on event start allow a comment on notification eg. @everyone URGENT GET IN HERE
When participating in an event, a join message is recorded in the thread, and if participation is canceled, a leave message is logged. I would like to add a feature that tracks the participant's order (first-come, first-served).If a participant joins and later cancels, their previous participation count should be removed, and the counter should update accordingly.
I schedule google meetings from my google calendar, sesh does a really good job sync the event to discord, however it doesn't the sync the google meeting link to discord event or sesh event, so I need to send a separate message to discord with the meeting link. This just makes it a bit pain as sesh becomes a purly reminder, without saving much effort in my use case. Please help me if it is doable.
You should be able to adjust settings so that people without Manage events permission can still add events to native thru sesh
When using Discord for a game on another platform, not everyone joins Discord but they still want to RSVP or sign up for events. Currently we can add Discord server members manually to RSVP, but we can’t add those who aren’t on Discord.It would be helpful to be able to manually add RSVPs, regardless of if someone is on Discord or not, to keep an accurate record of participants.
Within the slash command when creating a poll, please add an option to disable allowing anyone to add a poll option.
You should have the ability to embed your server calendar to websites.
Create an embed form to create events with dropdowns and date pickers, etc. pinned to its own channel instead of users using slash commands.
Hello! I would like to be able to connect the sesh bot with Trello so that if you have a supermarket, for example, it is shown on the Trello board (Roblox). Here is an example:"Store Shift""7:00PM" "Host: lennart12112""Co Host: N/A"
Would love to be able to schedule an notification after an event ends which can contain feedback opportunity or additional information. Thanks for joining type. I'm able to achieve this with a recurring event and setting it way in advance but it would be nice to just do it automatic per event too.
We're hoping to use Sesh for scheduling meetings in our small team, and it would be helpful if Sesh could send us a notifcation whenever one of us RSVPs. Contact: joe@anderbell.studio
I tested the role feature after understanding it and how to let other users add a role through settings. I love the concept. I am gonna add a suggestion that maybe in the future can be added for convenience. Let there be 3-4 dynamic roles so if events overlap they don't all get the same event role causing confusion. If one event picks ROLE 1, it will go "Okay I guess your event gets ROLE 2" aka Events, Events2, Events3, Events4. This feature will help out large communities who have multiple events that may overlap or happen at the same time.
Right now there's only a 24 hr, 3 day, and 1 week option for auto archive of any thread. This doesn't make any sense for events that users want to plan in advance. My friends easily will plan events most of our in-person events 1-2 months in advance so we don't want these threads to auto hide or people will forget they joined the event. These should only hide after the event is scheduled to end.