The events themselves use discord timestamps, even the calendar on the dashboard is localised... but the /list command still shows based on a specified timezone. Even with the discord 'in x days', and the button to convert to local option, this is confusing and un-user-friendly.
The /list command should at least have an option to *just* show local times.
Current system is applied across the board for everyone so no its it not up to the individual user to decide. > I saw your new request which would resolve this however. Until such a time that either individual control is possible or discord updates their markdown system this request will retain its current status.
Should it not be up to us to decide whether it looks appropriate? I'd much much rather 'messy but intuitive' than 'clean but misleading'. Is the hassle caused by the current system really worth it?
This idea was tried by the devs however due to limits of discords markdown system they were unable to find a way to do this that they were happy with. All versions ended up looking messy. Idea will be reviewed again when/if discord updates the markdown system.