Waitlist is dm'ed in order when a space becomes available

The waitlist would have people in order of which they joined the waitlist. If a space becomes available a few actions should happen;
- A dm to the person who left the 'attending' list to confirm that their action is to remove them (only runs if there is a waitlist)
- If user does leave event, the first waitlist user is dm'ed informing them of the change and that they have X time (configurable) to take the space. If they do not take the space, they are moved to a "no response" category and the next user is dm'ed asking if they want the space.
- Sesh would repeat this until the waitlist is finished or if a user takes the newly available space.
- Once a change takes place of users, a ping is sent (optional) to a usergroup or user to inform them of the changes (X user confirmed no attendance, users A, B did not respond to attend, user C took the space).


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