Limit Sesh's mentionable roles
**Define what roles are pingable in server settings and/or channel overrides.**
(Ignore non-admin event creator discord permissions)
There are cases where I want Sesh to be able to mention all roles, but not allow normal members to mention these roles.
**Already possible with current setup:**
1. Admin can use sesh to mention all roles no matter what.
2. Sesh can be given permission to ping all roles.
3. Using discord permissions, non-admin members can only ping certain roles (which extends to Sesh).
**New behavior**
Sesh __*ignores*__ mentions permissions on individual roles and from individual non-admin users.
Server or channel override settings will specify that Non-admin members are only able to ping roles A, B, and C from the sesh dashboard.
**Longer Explanation**
In my server, there are several roles with differing pinging permissions.
Members don't have the ability to ping _all_ roles, but they _do_ have the ability to ping roles that Sesh should not ping.
Let's say that a member has discord permissions to ping roles A, B, C, and D.
(Sesh has the permission to ping all roles.)
But I want Sesh to only allow members to ping role B for events, despite what the discord permissions say.
Let us say that a member only has the discord permission to ping role A.
But the server's default event ping list role is role B.
I would still like Sesh to let that member ping role B for events.