While there is some form of syncing to Native Discord events it is shockingly barren feature wise.
In comparison to ATOMcal and ChronicleBot it is kind of ugly and tells you look at post elsewhere in the Discord server rather than the native event.
I wish the native event displayed the information put into the event just as AtomCal and ChronicleBot do alongside posting the event.
It seems a bit confusing to have native events at all if they don't post correctly at all and maintain their own formatting and miss the point of Discord providing the feature at all.
What if the message gets deleted by another mod or there is updated information? They will have to look in the server native events and take information from there to jump back to another rather than looking in the corner being mirrored like it should.
A mirror reflects the events information a mirror is not an information board that leads you elsewhere. I am confused as to why it would be called a mirror if it only mirrors the time, but not the location (unless told specifically per event which misses the point for ease of use for someone who wants to check as fast as possible), or the information and picture.
Would very much appreciate this, it seems a waste to take up the description tab with just RSVPs!